Unedited Expository Essay

Promise Butler

Prof. Ewan


April 2,2019

Research Proposal: Puppetry in Common Core Curriculum

Identifying if puppetry can teach more than the common core curriculum  is very important to me because the classroom is a very structured place . I think It is  very important to implementing puppetry to step away from all of the mathematical equations and implement life lessons. It’s important to acknowledge the things that aren’t in a text book. I like to think that having and education requires book smarts and life skill. Many advocates may argue that having puppets in the learning environment would distract the children from their educations.

During the expository essay I want to acknowledge many things that are going to further identify whether Puppetry has negative and positive effects on children and or the classroom environment.In the expository essay I want to ask what type of things can puppetry teach? Do children actually enjoy puppetry in their academic workspace?Is puppetry a distraction to the younger children? What is the outcome of using puppetry in a learning environment? In my essay I will provide facts that support answering  my point to get rid of any biases . I think a part of being educated is being able to be well rounded and being able to handle any situation that comes to. The point of these questions is also to see if puppetry will help children as they age or in the real world. Even though I plan to prove that puppetry is beneficial there will be some information that will contradict my point. However it will be refuted to justify my point. What I have stated above is what’s going to help me attempt to prove whether puppetry comes with positive and negative effects,

Belfiore article is relevant because it states that puppets help grab children’s attention witch is good if your tried to help absorb knowledge. Belfiore talks about how puppets can be safe and fun for the child. It is also the best way and effective way to deliver information to children according to the article. Belfiore talks about puppetry providing education in a fun and beneficial way. Belfiore conveys that puppetry helps children step out of their comfort zone kids that are really shy have spoken out due to puppetry. Belfiore article is perfect for my essay because it clearly proves that puppets can teach life lesson as well as the common core curriculum.

Expository Essay: What is The Effect of using puppetry to Teach academics and life skills To children?

Often times students may struggle with meeting their full potential at school, puppets may or may not be the solution to that problem due to the positive and negative effects that may come with it. Educators can implement puppets into their lessons to teach academics, life skills and character. However, as well as being beneficial, it can also be detrimental to the education of students and the work space.The use of puppets in the classroom environments have been proven to either add to a child’s education or take away from it. The fact based evidence has been credited by many different educators in many different fields perspective. The objective is to arrive at a conclusion of whether puppets can or can not help educators inform students on academics and many more.

Many educators claim that they use puppets to contribute to the learning and support system for children. Ackland Tilbrook et.al is the author of “ A Review of the Literature-The use of interacting puppets stimulation in nursing education and children’s healthcare” believe that puppetry is beneficial in a learning environment. This articles specifies the result of using puppetry to educate children on different aspects like health care and academics. Tilbrook claims “The use of puppets historically provided play therapist, health care professionals and early childhood educators with a tool to observe, educate and support children”(Tilbrook et.al 73). This indicates that  puppetry is a useful tool for teaching health skill and academics. Although, many educators believe that using puppetry to educate students there are some negative effects. Tilbrook states “Additionally, research into nurse and nurse educators understanding of the power of play and the impact of play on their practice should be better understood to help facilitate the facilitation of puppet simulation to practice”(Tilbrook et.al 78). This indicates that although puppetry has been proven to do great things for children the amount of puppet play must be limited to get all the benefits out of using puppetry to teach students.Therefore, the use of puppetry in the learning environment may or may not have negative and positive effect.

Many educators  find themselves teaching life skills in a classroom setting and they think incorporating puppetry will help the information to adhere to the children. Many advocates may argue that puppetry can’t help teach children life lessons. Susannah Brown the author of “Building character through puppetry” argues that puppetry can help teach students. Brown states “ Puppetry captures the imagination and interest of young students. Story are told and retold to children through pictures, puppets, stuffed animals,toys,dolls,gesture,dramatic voices …Many of the stories involve some moral decisions or event”(Brown 47). This indicates that constantly kids are being taught and reminded how to make decisions based on a person ethics,manners and character. Brown also provides evidence that puppetry may have negative effects on the classroom environment. Brown claims”To only focus on specific set of character educations traits leads to a false understanding of character”(Brown 48). This indicates that teaching kids the wrong or certain character education traits cause children to get the wrong idea of the concept. Therefore, the use of puppetry to teach children life skills like making moral decisions may come with positive and negative effects.

The use of puppetry in the classroom effects the children in some many ways whether it be positive or negative. Many advocate argue that puppetry can be a major distractions and take away from a child’s ability to remain focused. Karen E.Wohlwend the author of “on screen,Many fingers : Young Children’s Collaborative Literacy Play with Digital Puppetry Apps and Touchscreen Technologies.” argues for both sides of the argument. Wohlend claims that “ childrens play with digital puppetry app look crowded,noisy and chaotic”(Wohlend 155). This indicates that using puppetry in the classroom environment may cause an uproar and or a distraction. Karen E. also states” a closer look at just 15 seconds of continuous activity is enough to reveal the collaborative literacy play-coordinated storying, digital literacy learning multimodal production, and play negotiation that is actually happening here”.(Wohlend 155).This indicates that even though puppetry may seem loud, crowded and chaotic the results of using puppetry to educate children may be beneficial. Therefore, the use of puppetry to teach students academics and life skills does come with positive and negative effects.

Educators may argue that puppetry is a great way to grab children’s attention to help them absorbs all the information given to them. Christie Belfor the author of “Puppets Talk, Children Listen: How Puppets Are Effective Teaching Aids for Kids.” claims that puppetry helps grabs children attention. Belfor states “Preschool children ranging from ages one to three, can be overly active and easily irritable or cranky. Puppet are perfect for grabbing their attention because they are safe,fun,and a natural progression from educational cartoons”(Belhore 10).This indicates That puppetry helps calm children down to make the learning environment less chaotic and more productive. Many advocates may also argue that puppetry is a distraction to learning environment of young children. Brown claims that” those in favor of implementing character education in American schooling claim that teacher and administrator have forgotten the basic task of developing moral citizens”(Brown 48). This indicates that not only can puppetry distract students it can distract teachers from implementing and or providing the necessary information. Due to the fact that puppetry can benefit students and distract them at the same time results in positive and negative effects on the learning environment.

Teachers have different opinions on weather puppetry can help teach material other than academics and or the common core curriculum. Some teacher may believe that the classroom should be structured and uniform and other teachers believe that the classroom should be less structured. Bailey Synovitz the author of “Using Puppetry in a Coordinated School Health Program” believes that the classroom environment should be creative. Synovitz claims” puppetry should be considered for use as an educational and clinical tool because it provides a creative learning strategy that allows children freedom of expression while stimulating learning through play” This proves that puppetry is beneficial in many fields and it provides freedom of expressions and creativity. Even though some educators believe that the classroom should be less structured. Woodland claims” digital puppetry app looks crowded,noisy, and chaotic- the king of play that teachers might move quickly to redirect to more orderly turn-taking and quiet composing”(Wohlend 155). This indicates that puppetry can cause a eruption in the classroom so the some teacher would rather more order. Due to the evidence provided many teachers have different views on puppetry in the classroom environment.

All types of educators use puppetry to teach life skills and academics in the learning space. It has been proven to come with positive and negative effects that influence the youth and or children tremendously. Annette Harden the author that created Caterpillars and Catalysts’: A Year of Literacy Learning in an Early Years Classroom Privileging Dramatic Pedagogies.” is sided with the positive side of puppetry. Harden insists that” Children became more productive, persistent and in most cases, competent writers”( Harden 23). This indicates that the use of puppetry in a classroom setting result in children becoming further educated. Many advocates argue that puppetry should not be in the classroom setting because of it negative additives. Brown states”As with any school reform issue,developing and implementing relevant character education is a difficult and uncertain task”(Brown 49). This indicates using puppetry to teach character education is a very hard thing to do for the teachers. Making sure using puppetry is benefiting  the students is a very hard to do. Therefore, using puppetry comes with a lot of positive and negative effects.Young children often struggle with grasping their full potential at school wether its with obtainin knowledge or paying attention. Many educators in many different fields argue that positve and or negative effect on the classroom environment. The evidence provided above concludes that using puppetry in the classroom environment to teach academics and life skills comes with positive and negative effect on children. Brown states “Puppetry captures the imagination and interest of young students. Story are told and retold to children through pictures, puppets, stuffed animals,toys,dolls,gesture,dramatic voices …Many of the stories involve some moral decisions or event”. This proves that the use of puppetry helps grab childrens attention which is good aspect for the learning environment. Wohlend states”childrens play with digital puppetry app look crowded,noisy and chaotic”. This indicates that puppetry can also be a distraction to children which will take away form their learning. Therefore, it is safe to say that the use of puppetry comes with positive and negative results.

Brown, Susannah. “Building Character through Shadow Puppetry.” Art Education57.6 Nov.(2004):pg 47-53.JSTOR,doi: 10.2307/27696044.Access 29 March.2019

This source will contribute to my expository essay because it talks about puppetry helping developing a character at a early age. Brown talks about how in puppet show plots usually convey a character overcoming moral dilemmas. Brown connects that with educating children on how to overcome their dilemmas. Brown also acknowledges that educating students goes beyond math and science students need to be educated on life skills. Brown also identifies the cons of the situations. Brown states that involving puppetry in academics can create false understanding of character education. Brown also states that teachers forget the basics of developing a moral citizen. Brown is perfect because it identifies the pros and cons of implementing puppetry in childhood education.

Harden, Annette. “‘Caterpillars and Catalysts’: A Year of Literacy Learning in an Early Years Classroom Privileging Dramatic Pedagogies.” Australasian Journal of Early Childhood41,3sept,2016,pg.20-28.EBSCOhost,Search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=118272508&site=ehost-live.Access 29 March,2019

Harden’s article is relevant to my expository essay because it states that the use of puppetry can interconnect with each other to create something beneficial for young students. Harden shows how puppetry connects with a child’s ability to express themselves. The points demonstrated in the text are the points that I want acknowledge in my essay. I believe that students need to be educated on much more than core classes. Kids need to be taught how to channel their emotion and how to express themselves.  This indicates that the sources it relevant for my essay.

Wohlwend, Karen E. “One Screen, Many Fingers: Young Children’s Collaborative Literacy Play with Digital Puppetry Apps and Touchscreen Technologies.” Theory Into Practice 54.2 1 april, 2015,pg.154-162.EBSCOhost,doi10.1080/00405841.2015.1010837. 29 March,2015  

Wohlend is also good because it is not biased and identifies the positive and negative effects of using puppetry in the classroom environment. Wohlend states that digital puppetry is very disrupting to the classroom environment.Wohlend.also states that digital puppetry teaches students to use their fingers and bodies in different ways to contribute to their reading and writing. Wohlend demonstrates that this source is a relative source because it identifies both sides of the argument which proves that source is not biased. Wohlend contributes to my expository essay because it shows how the use of puppetry has a negative and positive impact on early childhood education. It also proves that puppetry can teach far more than the common core curriculum It also proves a counterclaim witch is well needed.

Tilbrook, Dwyer, Reid-Searl, and Parson. “A Review of the Literature – The Use of Interactive Puppet Simulation in Nursing Education and Children’s Healthcare.” Nurse Education in Practice” 22 Jan,2017:pg.  73-79.ELSEVIER,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nepr.2016.12.001.Access 29 March,2019

Tilbrook’s article acknowledges that through puppets children are able to express their fears,anxiety,emotions and stimulate real life scenarios.Tilbrook his text over emphasizes that educators use puppets to enlighten students about the real world. The use of puppet by educators clearly is beneficials for the youth witch is what I want to prove in my expository. I want to provide and a clear understanding that puppetry is capable of much more than acknowledge and it been proved by the facts above.
Synovitz, Linda Bailey. “Using Puppetry in a Coordinated School Health Program.” Journal of School Health vol,69 no.4, 09 October                                                                                                                  2009:pg.145-147.https://doi-org.central.ezproxy.cuny.edu/10.1111/j.1746-1561.1999.tb04172.x Access 29 March,2019

Synovitz talks about puppetry helping kids building self-esteem and open the gate of freedom of expression. Synovitz also shows how puppetry is used in different parts of the school building. According to the document students are attracted to puppets because they love to pretend and engage in “dramatic characterization”. Synovitz proves that puppets can be used in any scenario in the school environment. Synovitz article is relevant to the topic of my essay because it demonstrates the beneficial use of puppets in the classroom environment.

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